Thursday, October 14, 2010

CorelDRAW based cartoon series (1)

Original: Vikki Dawson

With the vector illustration software to draw cartoons is a good idea. Because some of the features cartoon graphics itself, such as simple lines, bright colors, need a lot of duplication, was in line with the vector graphics features. In this tutorial, all of our examples to be completed by CorelDraw. (Note: We are talking about traditional "cartoon" is not now popular "CG".) Software, these tutorials so much discussion of the application, not as it is a basic idea of cartoon drawing. Thus, if you want to edit a small script, at least you will know where to begin set up.

This tutorial is divided into two parts: Personages and animal articles. Within a short space can not speak in detail, we generally just a cartoon image of the form, it is sometimes better than the animals instead of painting people. We are always eager to draw people, then we figure articles from the start!


This section is divided into five, namely, head, face changes, hand, female body parts, male body parts. This five-part there is no necessary connection between, you can turn to read, you can start from a different chapter. They are very simple, even if you are the first use of CorelDRAW, you will not be affected learning. Within minutes, you can create the first vector doll!

A head

There are many ways to create a variety of cartoon head. As this chart below (Figure 01), is composed of four oval. Three of them to maintain their original shape, and the other is converted into line. In this tutorial, let's talk about how only a simple head shape to create a cartoon style. Use your imagination now!

Figure 01

1. New images

Open CorelDraw, create a 400X400 canvas, then select the Ellipse tool, draw a similar figure below (Figure 02) oval.

Figure 02

2. Into a curve

From the bottom of the menu options arranged "into curve" command (Arrange> Convert to Curves), then you will see 4 nodes appear oval (Figure 03).

Figure 03

3. Add nodes

Our image needs 6 nodes, and now still have to add two. Right-click on the left of the node ellipse, in the pop-up menu, select "Add"; use the same method as the ellipse on the right also to add a node, but this time click on the node below the most elliptical. In this way, we have the required six nodes (Figure 04).

Figure 04

4. Widening chin

Select the shape tool in the tool bar, use it to select ellipse, we just add the two nodes, drag them down, so that we widen the jaw parts (Figure 05).

Figure 05

5. Modified chin

This face, it is somewhat difficult to compliment! Select the bottom node, drag down, to make the face longer certain. Fairly unsatisfactory it! Do not worry, we have to modify a will. (Figure 06)

Figure 06

6. Fill color

Select Fill tool, open the Fill dialog box, select the color mode RGB, choose a meat color RGB (251,201,178), use it to fill the face. (Figure 07)

Figure 07

7. Adjust the shape of

Now we need further adjustments. In the adjustment, we need to increase the number of nodes. Right-click the left and the vertices of the node, and then add the two nodes. In this way, we have a uniform distribution of 8 nodes. Shape tool to select the most left and the right side, squeezing them inward, so that the cheek is more pronounced. (Figure 08)

Figure 08

8. Draw the eye

Now we come to a pair of eyes. First with the ellipse tool to draw a small oval, filled white. Then draw a smaller, filled with black. Contour can keep the default. The small black oval on a white oval above (Figure 09). Select two oval, in the arrangement menu, select "group" command (Arrange> Group). Copy this set of objects, and pasted next to, so I have a pair of eyes. Place them in the appropriate position in the face. (Figure 10)

Figure 09

Figure 10

9. Nose

As with the ellipse tool to draw a nose, oval, place it under the eyes. The oval is not filled, contour according to the default settings. If you want the oval in the eyes, hidden between the lines (as it will look like this oval nose), then re-create a new ellipse, fill and color the same color, except to the contour, the It placed between the eyes, and hide part of the following ellipse. Note that the two should be arranged in an oval under the eyes. (Figure 11)

Figure 11


10. Mouth

Figure 12

Figure, draw a circle filled with black flat shape as the mouth (Fig. 12), and then transformed into the elliptic curve, drag the node, will be the transformation of the shape you like (Figure 13). Want to add a pair of dimples for him? Bezier tool selection, left and right in the mouth on each side with a short curve, the curve of the two short paragraphs outline the appropriate bold. If not enough active, you can also add a lower jaw (Fig. 14).

Figure 13

Figure 14

11. Ears

Read the previous steps, is also the fingertips of the ear. Draw an oval shape, fill color, copy it, put them in the face on both sides. Since the last created object, they are in the top of the object layer, we can arrange the menu to adjust their position, with the arrangement> sort> to the back (Arrange> Order> To Back) command, to cover up part of the ear (Figure 15).

12. Eyebrows

It looks good now, but, if still something missing. By the way, is the eyebrows! Can not underestimate this point! Is the eyebrows of the background, will make the eyes more attractive! Now we come to him with eyebrows. Select Art Brush tool first, "default" from the list, select a preset brush, adjust brush width, draw the eye brow shape, black in color plate selection, of course, if you want to green eyes, red eyebrows him, and that also from the get you!涓嶈繃涓嶈蹇樿鍙栨秷杞粨绾挎垨鏄瀹冪殑棰滆壊鍜岀湁姣涗繚鎸佷竴鑷淬?鐒跺悗锛屽啀澶嶅埗涓?潯鐪夋瘺鏀惧湪瀵瑰簲鐨勪綅缃?浣犺繕鍙互鐢ㄥ舰鐘跺伐鍏风户缁皟鏁寸湁姣涚殑褰㈢姸锛屼娇瀹冨彉鐨勬洿鏈夎叮锛佹墍璋撶殑鈥滄尋鐪夊紕鐪尖?涔熷氨鏄繖鏍风殑鍚э紒鐪嬬湅鐜板湪鏄笉鏄瘮鍒氭墠鐢熷姩澶氫簡锛?(Figure 16)

Figure 16

銆??13.濂戒簡锛岀涓?釜鍗¢?褰㈣薄鐨勫ご閮ㄥ凡缁忚癁鐢熶簡銆傚啀涓轰粬鍔犱笂甯藉瓙鍜岃韩浣擄紝灏卞彲浠ュぇ鍔熷憡鎴愪簡銆傚叧浜庤韩浣撳拰鎵嬮儴锛屾垜浠細鍦ㄤ笅闈㈢殑绔犺妭涓參鎱㈤亾鏉ャ? (Figure 17)

Figure 17

涓嬮潰鏄竴濂楅潪甯哥畝鍗曠殑鍗¢?澶撮儴鍥惧簱銆傛垜鎶婅繖浜涜劯閮ㄧ壒寰佹墦鏁o紝浠ヨ繘琛屼笉鍚岀殑鍒嗛厤缁勫悎銆傝繖鏄竴绉嶅緢濂界殑鏂规硶锛屾湁鏃跺畠浼氬垱閫犲嚭鎰忔兂涓嶅埌鐨勫濡欐晥鏋滐紝鍊煎緱涓?瘯锛?(Figure 18)

Figure 18





銆??棣栧厛锛屽湪CorelDRAW涓墦寮?竴寮?00X400鍍忕礌鐨勬柊鐢诲竷锛岀敤妞渾宸ュ叿鐢讳竴涓き鍦嗭紝鎵撳紑濉厖宸ュ叿瀵硅瘽妗嗭紝鐢≧GB锛?51锛?01锛?78锛夊~鍏呮き鍦嗐?鎴戜滑涓嶅笇鏈涙湁榛戣壊鐨勮疆寤撶嚎瀛樺湪锛屾墍浠ョ敤鍙抽敭鐐瑰嚮灞忓箷鏈?彸杈圭殑鑹茬洏鏈?笂杈圭殑鏃犺壊鑹叉爣锛屽皢杞粨绾挎敼涓烘棤鑹层?杩欏皢浣滀负鎵嬫帉鐨勪富瑕侀儴鍒嗐? (Figure 19)

Figure 19


銆??鐢讳竴涓瘮涓婁竴涓き鍦嗗皬寰楀鐨勬き鍦嗭紝濉厖鍚屾牱鐨勯鑹诧紝涔熷幓闄よ疆寤撶嚎銆傚皢杩欎釜灏忔き鍦嗘斁缃湪鎵撴き鍦嗗乏渚э紝浣滀负鎷囨寚鐨勭涓?叧鑺傘?鐢ㄥ悓鏍风殑鏂规硶鍒堕?鍑烘媷鎸囩浜屽叧鑺傦紝鎶婂畠浠斁鍦ㄦ墜鎺岀殑宸﹁竟銆?(Figure 20)

Figure 20


Figure 21

銆??鐜板湪鏉ュ垱寤洪鎸囥?鐢讳竴涓き鍦嗭紝濉厖棰滆壊锛岀Щ闄よ疆寤撶嚎銆傛墦寮??瀹夋帓鈥濊彍鍗曪紝浠庤彍鍗曞簳閮ㄩ?鎷┾?杞寲涓烘洸绾库?锛圓rrange>Convert to Curves锛夛紙鍥?1锛夛紝鍙抽敭鍗曞嚮妞渾鏇茬嚎涓婇《閮ㄥ拰鍙宠竟鐨勮妭鐐癸紝浠庡脊鍑虹殑鑿滃崟涓?鎷┾?澧炲姞鈥濓紝灏嗚妭鐐瑰鍔犲埌6涓?灏嗚繖涓や釜鏂板鍔犵殑鑺傜偣鍚戜笂绉诲姩涓?簺锛屽氨鍍忎笅鍥句腑鎵?ず鐨勭涓夊紶鍥句竴鏍凤紙鍥?2锛夛紝鎷栧姩瀵硅薄杈规涓婄殑鎷変几鎺х偣锛屽皢瀵硅薄姘村钩鍘嬬缉锛岃繖鏃讹紝妞渾涓婄殑鍙墿椤堕儴鐨勪竴涓妭鐐逛簡锛堝浘23锛夈?鎶婂畠鏀剧疆鍦ㄦ墜鎺屼笂锛屽拰鎷囨寚鏈夐?褰撹窛绂汇? (Figure 24)

Figure 22

Figure 23

Figure 24


銆??鎴戜滑娌℃湁蹇呰鍐嶅崟鐙粯鍒跺叾浣欐墜鎸囷紝鐢ㄥ鍒剁殑鏂规硶灏卞彲浠ュ緱鍒般?鐢ㄩ?鎷╁伐鍏烽?鎷╅鎸囷紝杩炵画鎸塁trl+D涓夋锛屽氨鍙互寰楀埌涓変釜瀹屽叏涓?牱鐨勫鍒跺璞°?鍒嗗埆鎶婂畠鎷栧姩鍒伴?褰撶殑浣嶇疆銆傝皟鏁翠腑鎸囧拰鏃犲悕鎸囩殑闀垮害锛屼娇瀹冧滑鐣ラ暱浜庨鎸囧拰灏忔寚銆?(Figure 25)

Figure 25


銆??5.璋冩暣鎵嬫帉鍜屾墜鎸?br />
銆??鐜板湪杩欏彧鎵嬫帉鐪嬭捣鏉ユ湁鐐硅牏銆傛垜浠渶瑕佽鎵嬫帉鐦︿竴鐐广?閫夋嫨鏈?ぇ鐨勬き鍦嗗舰锛屽嵆鎵嬫帉锛屾妸鍙宠竟鐨勬媺浼告帶鐐瑰悜宸︾Щ鍔ㄣ?浣嗚繖鏍蜂竴鏉ワ紝闄ゆ媷鎸囧鍏朵綑鍥涙寚鐨勪綅缃兘瑕佽窡鐫?噸鏂拌皟鏁淬? (Figure 26)

Figure 26

銆??鎴戠煡閬撲綘鎯宠浠?箞锛屾槸鐨勶紝鎵嬫寚澶儢锛屾寚闂寸殑璺濈涔熷お灏忥紝娲诲儚鏄嚑鏍硅儭钀濆崪锛侀偅鎴戜滑灏辨妸瀹冧滑渚濇淇暣锛岀洿鍒扮湅璧锋潵姣旇緝姝e父涓烘銆?(Figure 27)

Figure 27

銆??鎵嬫帉涔熸樉寰楀お闀夸簡锛屽嚑涔庢瘮鎵嬫寚杩橀暱銆傞?鎷╂墜鎺屾き鍦嗕笂闈㈢殑鎺х偣锛屾妸瀹冨悜涓嬫嫋鍔紝鐩村埌鎵嬫帉鍜屾墜鎸囨湁鍚堥?鐨勬瘮渚嬨? (Figure 28)

Figure 28

銆??鐜板湪鏉ユ暣浣撴潵鐪嬩竴涓嬶紝濡傛灉瑙夊緱杩樻槸澶儢锛屽氨鐓у垰鎵嶇殑姝ラ鍐嶈交寰殑鍋氫竴涓嬭皟鏁达紙鍥?9锛夈?婊℃剰涔嬪悗锛岀敤閫夋嫨宸ュ叿閫夋嫨鍏ㄩ儴瀵硅薄銆?br />

Figure 29


銆??浠庡畨鎺?amp;gt;褰㈢姸鍛戒护涓?鎷┾?鐒婃帴鈥濓紙Arrange>Shaping>Weld锛夛紝灏嗗叏閮ㄥ璞″彔鍔犺捣鏉ワ紝鍙樹负涓?釜瀵硅薄銆?(Figure 30)

Figure 30

銆??7.鍔犲叆杞粨绾?br />
銆??淇濇寔閫夋嫨鐘舵?锛屽湪灞炴?鏍忔垨杞粨鍗峰笜绐椾腑锛屽皢瀵硅薄鐨勮疆寤撶嚎浠庢棤鏀逛负0.5pt銆傚湪缁樺浘椤甸潰鐨勭┖鐧藉鐐瑰嚮涓?笅锛屽彇娑堝璞$殑閫夋嫨鐘舵?銆?(Figure 31)

Figure 31


銆??8.鎺岀汗鍜屾寚鐢?br />

Figure 32

銆??鎵嬫帉鐨勪富瑕侀儴鍒嗗凡缁忓畬鎴愪簡锛屼笉杩囨垜浠繕涓嶈兘灏辫繖鏍锋妸瀹冩斁涓嬨?杩樻湁涓?偣宸ヤ綔瑕佸仛銆傞鍏堟槸鎺屽績锛岄渶瑕佹坊鍔犳帉绾癸紝閫夋嫨璐濆吂宸ュ叿锛屽鍥撅紝鐢讳笂涓ゆ潯鏇茬嚎锛岃繖鏍凤紝鎵嬫帉鐨勫帤搴﹀氨鏈変簡锛堝浘32锛夈?鎵嬭儗閮ㄥ垎闇?澧炲姞鐨勬槸鎸囩敳锛岀敤妞渾宸ュ叿鐢讳竴涓渾褰紝濉厖浠绘剰浣犲枩娆㈢殑棰滆壊锛屽幓闄よ疆寤撶嚎锛屽啀澶嶅埗鍑犱釜锛岀缉灏忓悗鏀剧疆鍒板搴斾綅缃笂灏卞彲浠ヤ簡锛堝浘33锛夈?涓嶈繃锛岃娉ㄦ剰涓嶈璁╂帉绾瑰拰鎸囩敳鍚屾椂鍑虹幇鍦ㄤ竴涓墜鎺屼笂銆傝繖铏界劧鏄彞搴熻瘽锛屼絾鏈夋椂鐨勭‘浼氬嚭鐜拌繖鏍风殑鐤忓拷銆?br />

Figure 33

銆??鍏跺疄锛屼竴寮?鍒涗綔鎵嬬殑鏈?匠鍔炴硶灏辨槸浠ヤ綘鑷繁鐨勬墜涓烘ā鐗广?浠庝笉鍚屼綅缃瀵燂細鍦ㄤ晶闈紝鍦ㄩ潰鍓嶆憞鎽嗭紝鎻′綇涓滆タ锛岀珫璧锋墜鎸囷紝灏介噺浼稿睍绛夌瓑銆?br />

Figure 34

銆??鍦ㄧ敤CorelDraw 鍒涗綔杩欑被鍥惧儚鏃堕潪甯告柟渚裤?浣犲彲浠ュ湪涓?釜鏂囦欢涓垱浣滃拰鍌ㄥ瓨鎵?湁绫诲瀷鐨勬墜锛屼互澶囧皢鏉ュ弬鑰冨拰璋冪敤锛岃繖鏍峰氨鍑忓皯浜嗛噸澶嶅姵鍔ㄣ?浣犲彲浠ュ垱寤鸿繖鏍蜂竴涓浘搴擄紝杩欐牱鍦ㄤ綘浠ュ悗鐨勫垱浣滀腑浠呮墽琛屽鍒跺拰绮樿创灏卞彲浠ユ妸瀹冧滑搴旂敤鍒板埆鐨勫浘鍍忎腑鍘讳簡銆備笅闈㈡槸涓変釜绠?崟鐨勪緥瀛愩?锛堝浘34銆?5銆?6锛?br />

Figure 35

Figure 36


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